Saturday, September 5, 2009

Musings of the Heart: Forever Single?

Everything this week is good and well...until my professor in my Persons and Family Relations told us that if a girl who is single doesn't get married before she takes the bar exam, she'd probably be single forever.

OUCH! That's hard. I am one of the girls in class who are still single, and I don't really plan on going single forever. Errr...should I be afraid?


Oh well. It's not as if I'd go to the club and be a bitch. I haven't really found the person who'd be willing to take my imperfections. I'm not looking for the perfect guy, because I'm not really that perfect. I guess I never did know what I'm looking for.

Honestly, I'd have ignored this thought if I were not studying law. But I am, and I guess though I hate to admit it, my professor's got a point. I could see this happening, but I can't see that girl to be me. However, I can't ignore that huge possibility. Uhm...

This is the most disturbing thing I've heard of yet, and I think this is even more disturbing than having to fail a subject, because one subject can be taken again, but life can only be taken once. Shucks! I so hate it when I have to think of it.

I'm afraid of being single forever, this much I'd admit. But I don't want to abandon my dream of becoming a lawyer too. Can't I have both? Or do I have to choose one only? Because if I have to choose, then I know I'd be forever miserable because I haven't had the other.

Gosh. Discontentment.

Could you understand it when I say I am just a human?

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