Monday, July 27, 2009

Life's Great!

Grateful. In every day of our lives we should be thankful, my SHARIAH 1 instructor said. I definitely agree with that.

From the moment we wake up, we should be grateful that we are alive. Well, here's a small part of the long list of the things I'm thankful for:

1. The hours that I've slept, it made me rest my tired mind, eyes and body.
2. The beautiful morning.
3. Even my uncle who happily thinks he had disturbed my sleep with that superloud songs in the player. Well, he does disturbs the sleep, but I'm thankful that he wakes us up that way, rather than shoving water in my face!
4. The fresh air I am able to take in as I wake up. The air gets polluted in the highway as I got to work and school.
5. The work I have! It gets me going.
6. My bosses, they are so kind to me, who's just a beginner in this field.
7. My colleagues, we are not of the same field, but as we are working in the same place, they are so friendly to me. I thought of myself as special, because I'm the only girl in the workplace as of the moment.
8. My sister, who's always there for me, through the best of times, and the worst of times.
9. My brother, who really annoys me quite a lot, but whom I rely on to crack a funny joke when I'm down.
10. My mom. Gosh, think of where I will be now if not for her! Every time I get sick, I think of my mom, and misses her.
11. My dad. All the things I'm able to do now I owe to him. He supported me when I thought I could not get through anymore, and he never said anything bad against me. He gives me constructive criticism, and even now I misses his loud voice, laughing at something wrong I've done, because he knows I could have done it better.
12. My lola, I really miss her. Everytime Christmas comes, I remember her, our Mrs. Santa Claus, who prepares the gifts around our little Christmas tree, and says it came from Santa. And we would readily believe, until we were 9 years old, we still believed that claim.

So I wanted to extend my thanks to everyone and everything who hav touched my life. Truly, because of you all, LIFE"S GREAT!

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