Monday, September 7, 2009

Fashion Weirds

Mind you, I'm no expert when it comes to fashion, so I won't know how to explain expertly over every tiny detail in fashion. But I do have some grasp on aesthetics. Everyone has. That I have to believe, since even Mother Earth has designed itself quite beautifully even without man's help, and you can see this in the rain forests and in other natural areas not destroyed yet by man's selfishness.

Okay, the discussion is getting out of hand so let's go back to the topic. Fa
shion weird. Take that by its literal meaning. Take note, not every weird are hideous, just eccentric or out of the ordinary. But well, that's how fashion rules, right? you have to be unique to catch attention. So here are some things that I see as...err, strange fashion items.

Here's the "heel-less shoes" from Hottogs. It actually looks cool, Egyptian looking or something like that. And it looks gorgeous. But can you really walk with that shoes on? I wonder if I wouldn't trip on my first step wearing that. Better leave it on the "good walkers". =)

Here's a rather uncool fashion item. I may be too conservative in saying this, but this just plainly sucks. I don't really see the sense of having anyone to wear this. Is this just something they tried to enhance their breasts? They'd better get their enhancements on the clinic, and not by wearing something like this.

Now, here's something that is not polite. I know, it is being the trend nowadays to use the most profane words as if they are the coolest words ever, but I thought that surely we could reserve our rather unhappy notions to the talks and letters. But here's something that might just be for those who are "trying to be cool" but "looked like a fool" as sang by Avril Lavigne.

These, and many more unusual items flock the fashion industry. As I've said, not all that oddballs are hideous. I really like looking at the heel-less shoes, though I wouldn't dare wear it.
It really is amazing how unpredictable we can be. Humans are just perfect geniuses, if being a genius means wildly eccentric. Everyone wants to be unique. But I do hope they'd limit themselves to the aesthetically acceptable (the shoes is impractical, but is still acceptable). I have always thought that fashion is all aesthetic. I'm still holding on to that thought.

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