Wednesday, September 2, 2009


You rush to work or to your classes in the morning and rush back home at the end of the day, full of complaints on the day’s labor most of the time. But have you ever taken time to see the sky—really see it, and reflect how beautiful it is to be back again to the world of the living, after a few hours of being asleep, after a few hours of trial death? Have we ever stopped and taken time to feel the air whose embraces sustains our lovely existence? Hmmm... I bet you’d reason out that you’d be late if you do that. Indeed, we used to have no watches in the past, but we conquer time. Now we attach these precious timepieces to our wrists, but we don’t have time anymore.

Life is full of troubles that we fail to see the beauty of it—the beauty that even a baby sees. Have you seen the eyes of the baby as it takes to every little thing it looks upon? You would see the curiosity, the thirst for knowledge and learning that the tiny eyes bares. As it grows up, the eyes loose that spark of fascination and interest as it get used to everything.

Huh! As if everything remains as it is, as if everything is a routine. But nothing remains the same. Even the slowly blooming flowers, or the crazy pattern that the bees follow as it serenades the swaying petals…These things change. Everything, everyone. The universe, the world—life. There has never been a boring pattern. But we seem to have lost our interest in enjoying life the way a baby takes pleasure in looking at his mother’s gentle face and listening to the tender cooing voice.

We aim to learn about life, and the things around us. But as we do so, we have reduced the mystery and charm of the rainbow and say it is but a refraction of light. We are actually loosing our grip on life.

Life has lost its magic as we lose the spark of interest in life. By that time, we only see it as a dreary existence or –co-existence with uninteresting bulk of matter that can move and speak and think for itself. By then, we have been reduced to thinking zombies whose only pleasure is on thinking about ourselves.

If only we could look through the eyes of a baby again, life will be a wonderful and beautiful magic once more.


hp9200 said...

nice one...

It is true that nowadays we only see things for what it is, for how it comes to existence...but what we failed to see is the beauty of it...we think too much that we failed to see the true purpose of these things and that is to make us happy...

God bless and keep the faith intact...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliment. Good thing that you used the plural we, because all of us are in this pitfall actually, and I don't see myself as an exemption. =)